
Physical Therapy (in clinic)

Women’s Advantage, Inc. is in-network with Blue Cross PPO, Blue Shield PPO, THIPA (Torrance Health IPA), Axminster Medical Group, & Medicare insurances. All other insurances are considered out of network and coverage varies based on each individual’s policy.

The following cash rates are available:
Initial Evaluation: $200
Follow-up Treatments: $155
To verify insurance benefits and coverage, please contact the Torrance office at (310) 370-1200 or visit womens-advantage.com for more information.

Childbirth Courses

Comprehensive Series: $395 (couple), $255 (individual)
*Recommended* 12 hour group class hosted over 3 days. Includes extensive physical lab sessions to practice birthing positions and proper pushing technique as well as optional pelvic floor muscle assessment and coordination training.
Crash Course: $275 (couple), $150 (individual)
8 hour intensive childbirth class with a brief introduction to pelvic floor muscle training.
Private Course: $475
Customized course tailored to the individual couple’s needs and offered in the comfort of their home.

All courses come with a printed workbook for note-taking which includes information and illustrations of birthing positions, pelvic floor muscle anatomy and training, labor interventions, postpartum recovery, newborn care, and a directory of resources.

Remote Consultations

15 minute phone call: FREE
up to 45 minutes (via phone or video chat): $55

For all availability and bookings, click HERE.