
Physical Therapy

Dr. Q practices full-time as a licensed physical therapist at Women’s Advantage, Men’s Optimal Health. This practice is contracted with private insurances and accepts out-of-network benefits. In-home concierge services are also available for cash rates.

Childbirth Education

Dr. Q is a trained childbirth educator and combines her training as a physical therapist to offer prenatal birth preparation classes to introduce expectant parents to all birthing options and prepare them for all aspects of the labor, delivery, and immediate postpartum phases mentally, emotionally, AND physically.

Postpartum Doula

Dr. Q is a trained postpartum doula and offers these services to provide physical and emotional support, education, and care for parents, infants, and families during their transition to life with a newborn.


If you are unsure if physical therapy is for you, have inquiries regarding postpartum doula services, or need guidance regarding your own pelvic health, consultations via phone and/or video-chat are also available.

Not sure what service you need? Click here to book a *free* 15 minute consultation to discuss your options!