Physical Therapy

Dr. Q, DPT specializes in Pelvic Health and has a diverse background of experience in orthopedic, pediatric, and perinatal physical therapy. Through her clinical training as a graduate student, she gained experience treating a wide variety of patient populations including young athletes, active duty United States military, infants, and the geriatric population. She now primarily treats pelvic floor dysfunction.

Being a Pelvic Health Physical Therapist means addressing symptoms that people typically avoid discussing (such as bladder, bowel, and sexual health) in parts of the body that people usually avoid acknowledging (the pelvis, pelvic floor, and genitalia). The complexities of pelvic health have motivated Dr. Q to seek further training to broaden and diversify her treatment techniques and strategies; As a result, she utilizes a combination of the following, all tailored to the individual person’s needs and goals:

  • Manual techniques (joint, soft tissue, myofascial, neural & visceral mobilization, trigger point desensitization, HVLA, IASTM)
  • Therapeutic exercise (progressive strengthening, endurance training, functional re-integration)
  • Neuromotor control (body mechanics, kinesthetic/proprioceptive training, movement patterning)
  • Biofeedback for the pelvic floor muscles (via surface-electromyography)
  • Behavioral modifications (for bladder/bowel health, stress management, & self-care strategies)
  • Nervous system regulation (for pain modulation, desensitization, & stress management)
  • Patient education (on anatomy, pathophysiology, pain science, & self-care)

Dr. Q practices at Women’s Advantage, Men’s Optimal Health. The clinic has 2 locations: Torrance (main office) & Long Beach, CA. Evaluations and treatments are scheduled for 45 minute sessions.

In addition, Dr. Q offers concierge services. In-home physical therapy sessions are 60 minutes each and by appointment-only.

For more information about the clinic or concierge services, please click here.